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Tag Archives: Tucker Carlson: Elizabeth Warren’s enemies on Wall Street and Big Tech are not really her enemies. Here’s why
Elizabeth Warren is really just this season’s Hillary Clinton — faithful party robot, stalwart defender of the prerogatives of the establishment.
Tucker Carlson: Elizabeth Warren’s enemies on Wall Street and Big Tech are not really her enemies. Here’s why. One thing we know for sure about Elizabeth Warren, above all else, is that on economic questions, she’s a sincere populist. Warren … Continue reading
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Tagged Bernie Sanders, Charlie Gasparino, Chris Sacca, Donald Trump, Elizabeth Warren is really just this season's Hillary Clinton -- faithful party robot and stalwart defender of the prerogatives of the establishment, Emily Tisch Sussman, November 11 2019, Tucker Carlson, Tucker Carlson: Elizabeth Warren's enemies on Wall Street and Big Tech are not really her enemies. Here's why, two-cent wealth tax
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