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Tag Archives: Tucker Carlson calls Robin DiAngelo’s book “White Fragility” “an utterly ridiculous book” “poisonous garbage” and “a crackpot race tract”
Tucker Carlson calls Robin DiAngelo’s book, “White Fragility,” “an utterly ridiculous book,” “poisonous garbage,” and “a crackpot race tract”
Below is a transcript of a segment from “Tucker Carlson Tonight” appearing June 24, 2020. Tucker Carlson: Well the best-selling book in the country right now, in case you haven’t checked the rankings, is not a spy thriller. It’s not … Continue reading
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Tagged "White Fragility" is a wildly popular book, Author makes money telling people they are racist, Book props up worst offenders of injustices, Book says you're racist no matter who you are, Effort to turn schools into woke propaganda mills, Elite author oblivious to country's real problems, Feeling threatened is proof that you are racist, Louis Farrakhan, Robin DiAngelo, so discomfort is necessary and important, The point of the book is to demoralize you, Tucker Carlson, Tucker Carlson calls Robin DiAngelo's book "White Fragility" "an utterly ridiculous book" "poisonous garbage" and "a crackpot race tract", Tucker Carlson calls Robin DiAngelo's book "White Fragility" "an utterly ridiculous book" and "poisonous garbage", Tucker Carlson Tonight June 24 2020, University of Kentucky, We are socially penalized for challenging racism, White comfort maintains the racial status quo, White Fragility, White Fragility makes ridiculously false claims
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